Golan Levin’s template works well, however you might have to rate limit the frame rate of your sketches for this to work well.

Notice that in java it will implicitely cast the counter integer to a string. We can do this with the help of a counter that gets incremented every draw loop: int counter = 0 Obviously, we’ll have to pass a different name for each frame, otherwise we would be overwriting the same file over and over again. We can simply call the save(“frame.png”) function in the draw loop, and an image will appear in the corresponding sketch folder. In processing, saving an indivdiual frame is very straight forward. We’ll tackle these two steps, one at a time! In Processing: Generally the first step is to extract individual frames from we’ll first have to extract and save individual frames from our animation and then convert them into a complete GIF. Exporting your Sketches as a Series of Individual Frames But there are a number of tools and tricks that can make our life easier in this regard, which we’ll go over in this blog post.Īctually, the really hard part is making your GIFs smaller than 15mb.

Making GIFs out of your creative coding sketches can be tricky and tedious. Wait a second… how do you actually do that? You spent hours coding up a nice sketch in P5JS or Processing, ironed out those last few bugs, and made it run smoothly at a crispy 50FPS… but now what?